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How to Measure for Your Metal Roofing Project:

  1. Assess Existing Structures: Use Google Maps to view an overhead image of your house for existing structures. Draw the roof outline beforehand and add measurements once on the roof.

  2. For Future Buildings: Email us your blueprints, and we can provide accurate measurements from there.

  3. Precision is Key: Measure to the inch without rounding up. Accuracy is crucial for better results.

  4. Perimeter First: Start by measuring around the perimeter of the roof before moving to the interior.

  5. Consider Protrusions: Don’t overlook pipes, chimneys, skylights, and other roof protrusions. These require flashing.

  6. Determine Roof Slope: Note the roof slope if possible. Use tools like the "Pitch Gauge" app or other methods for accurate measurements.

Calculating Materials:

  1. Estimation Assistance: Provide us with a drawing, and we'll estimate materials needed.

  2. Panel Measurements: Measure from ridge to eave for through fastened panels. No need to add extra length for overhang; a 1-2” pull-down from the ridge is sufficient.

  3. Standing Seam Panels: These may need extra length added at the lower end for hemming.

  4. Number of Panels: Determine the number of panels needed based on the width of the roof plane and panel coverage width.

  5. Special Areas: In hips or valleys, measure across every 3’ for panel length. Adjust panel length above transitions.

  6. Extra Panels: It's advisable to add a few extra panels for flexibility and unforeseen circumstances.

Requesting a Quote:

  1. Submission Methods: Request a metal roof quote via Google Maps views, hand drawings, blueprints, or material lists.

  2. Verification: Verify measurements from Google Map views and ensure accuracy.

  3. Review Carefully: Carefully review the quote and ask for clarification if needed.

Placing Your Order:

  1. Double Check: Verify both material list and roof drawing before placing the order.

  2. Provide Details: Specify the ship-to location, contact details, color/finish, and any special delivery requirements.

Delivery Guidelines:

  1. Inspect Upon Arrival: Verify material quantity and condition upon delivery.

  2. Document Damage: Note any damaged or missing items and take photos for documentation.

Storage Recommendations:

  1. Indoor Storage: Store metal indoors in a well-ventilated dry location to prevent white rust formation.

  2. Proper Handling: Store sheets on end or on an incline with an insulator such as wood underneath.

  3. Outdoor Storage Caution: Outdoor storage is at the customer’s own risk. If necessary, protect with a canvas cover or waterproof paper to prevent condensation. Avoid plastic covers.